Our main farming enterprise is a herd of dairy goats, however we have a number of other animals too.
We have about 100 goats, mostly British Toggenbergs – a soft brown colour with white stripes on their faces and white ‘socks’. We also have a few Saanens (the white ones) and boer (the meat breed). The Toggenbergs produce slightly less milk than the Saanens but their milk is creamier so ideal for cheese and the other products we make from the farms milk.
We milk the goats twice a day May to October and visitors are welcome to come and watch this (8am and 5pm). March to May they are milked mornings only and Christmas to March they don’t give milk. Goats are naturally very curious creatures so they love the attention from visitors and particularly like to nibble long hair, coat toggles or any loose string!
We usually have a few rare breed pigs which we fatten up for sausages and meat for the farm shop. Mrs B is a Gloucester Old Spot (our favourite, pictured left – calm, friendly with personality) We have had various breeds in the past, Oxford Sandy and Blacks (very calm and chilled out, but a nightmare to load into the trailer); Berkshires (completely over excited, but very playful); Middle Whites (messy things but very chatty) and a few others. They eat grass, pig nuts and whey from the cheese-making. They adore it!
We recently welcomed hens back to the farm after Mr Fox unfortunately polished off the last lot. We’ve built a safe enclosure for them from where they can roam the vegetable garden.
And of course we can’t forget our two donkeys – Teddy and Choco. They are sweet and gentle animals and both like attention. Please don’t feed them as they can easily get over weight.